When my son was born I never imagined we would have a colicky baby on our hands. He was sweet, handsome and doe eyed but totally unsettled, inconsolable and one of the worst sleepers ever!

I struggled and found support where I could... starting with Lauren's support group at Natural Resources.  

After lots of reading & discussions I knew we needed some serious help in the sleep department. I chose Lauren because I was looking for someone with compassion, not just information. She provided some emotional support, reassurance and of course, the tools, we needed to sleep train. She was also realistic. We knew it would be an on-going process, and it was. There are nights where we still struggle but we turn back to the fundamentals we were taught and they continue to help us.  Yes we have an off night/nap here and there but overall my son has turned into a great sleeper and we are all happier as a result!

-Gabby Duno Turner and Andres Turner

Dana Asper

Consultant + Designer + Developer | Dana obsesses on all the little things that create an experience. She tweaks, refines, perfects.