My partner and I were having some significant difficulties with our 4 month old daughters' sleep. 

We were both overwhelmed and our daughter was waking up every 2-3 hours but she was inconsolable no matter what we did. She likely was overtired and we knew we needed to try sleep training for her but when you're sleep deprived it's hard to read all the books about sleep and come up with a plan.  We called Lauren at the high recommendation of another mother who had consulted with her and even within talking with her for her initial assessment already felt so much more confident about what we were doing and trying.  She is very knowledgeable but also incredibly empathetic and patient.  She is really responsive to all questions and gets back to you quickly which is great especially when you've had a rough night where you're not sure if you're doing the right thing.  She empowers you to trust your instincts and gives you encouragement along the way which really built up our confidence so that now we feel like we can handle any setbacks in the future.  I'm so glad we were able to work with her!

-Amy, Physician and Mama to Sydney

Dana Asper

Consultant + Designer + Developer | Dana obsesses on all the little things that create an experience. She tweaks, refines, perfects.